Energy Trading and Investing
Energy Trading & Investing: Trading, Risk Management, and Structuring Deals by Davis Edwards Call vs. Put Options: Why do energy traders use options? Insurance- options allow you to take on more exposure without taking on a large risk Investing- building a power plant gives the operator the option of burning fuel to produce electricity. The operator will burn fuel when it is profitable. Options are a good way to analyze an investment that involves a decision. Forwards-a trading contract that allows traders to arrange a transaction at a specific time and place in the tufter for a contractually identified price. Future- a trading contract that allows traders to transact for future delivery but must be exchanged cleared. Only 2 types of options contracts: "calls" and "puts" Long call option strategy- buy a call option with the expectation that the price of the stock will rise before the expiration date. $40 is the strike price. Your expectatio...