The Powerhouse
The Powerhouse: Inside the Invention of a Battery to Save the World by Steve Levine Main Points: Why write a book on batteries? After the 2010 crash, there was a question on whether the United States could innovate a new, large economy. Attention came onto the battery- a goal to create a more powerful battery to enable other industries - EV's, Solar and Wind, etc. Obama said they would put 1 million batteries on the road. In 2010 we didn't know that shale oil would come upon us, now we see 4 billion barrels/day come onto the market and cut the cost of oil in half. This has hurt Russia and caused OPEC to flounder. Another thing he saw was that the Exxon 25-year forecast of the future showed that by 2035 electric cars makeup 1% of the sales on the global market because battery scientists would make no progress. The Exxon report said that due to intermittency that solar and wind would have a slender slice of the pie. Giant incumbents were taking a massive risk in betting...