The Grid
The Grid: The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future By Gretchen Bakke, Ph.D. Main Points: The current state of the U.S. grid is the product of several interesting pieces of legislation passed over the years. The Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 forced competition between the established utilities and smaller electricity suppliers/ plants, thus diversifying the grid sources of energy. This first step in deregulation led to the Energy Policy Act in 1992 which unbundled generation and transmission. Bakke says "It did so for a reason, and that reason was energy trading. The act turned electricity into a commodity."The result of this has been corruption in the form of companies like Enron that manipulated the markets by creating artificial shortages and destabilization of voltage levels the grid- resulting in more surges or brownouts. How does the grid work with so many players? You might have heard ISO/RTO, PUC, IRP, IOU, or POU. You ...