Energy for Future Presidents
Energy for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headlines by Richard A. Muller Main Points: The major energy catastrophes like Fukushima-Daichi and BP Oil Spill have not and should not impact world energy markets/decisions. Fukushima resulted in areas affected with 0.1-2 rem (unit for radiation damage). An area with 25 rem has a 1% chance of developing cancer. Hence 2,500 rem-person is the threshold for danger. By these estimates Fukushima will result in 100-1500 deaths caused by radiation, which is less than deaths caused by the tsunami. Additionally, the BP oil spill resulted in light hydrocarbons evaporating, heavy hydrocarbons (tars) sinking and being consumed by bacteria. The Energy Landscape shapes two key problems for the United States and world: (1) energy security - heavy dependence on liquid energy like oil and (2) global warming- caused by heavy reliance on coal. Incentives for utilities to use strategies like "decoupling plus"- offer subsidies to cu...